Certified Yoga teachers

Completion program for yoga teachers

The program offers the opportunity to train alongside teachers and share a unique life experience with other yogis. The integration of specific study progressions on the use of voice, movement, presence and group actor training allows you to observe yourself from a new point of view, to deepen your self-discovery and to expand your knowledge of the dynamics that occur in the class-teacher relationship. 

Expand your awareness of your communicative and expressive skills, increase your teaching abilities and continue your spiritual research through the use of the Yoga Theatre® system that integrates theatre as a spiritual path.


  • actor training to be able to experience multiple teachings of yoga philosophy that are outside the study of asanas
  • training for vocal emission and use of resonators
  • quantum physics, vibration and frequency
  • biomechanics of emotions
  • study of dialogue to develop empathy and clarity of communication beyond words
  • empathy training in relationships with the student or a class
  • state of performance, intention and expressive truth
  • comparison between ego and character
  • fantasy training and responsiveness for the creation of new teaching solutions
  • physical contact and manipulation techniques
  • study of group dynamics for overcoming conflict

Request more information and course details at info@yogatheatre.com

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